Thursday, 10 April 2014

First Lesson's Notes

Allegory of the Cave
(Plato's Cave)

   Platon says that some people lives in a dark cave since they were born. They are prisoners because they were fettered. They cannot turn back to see what happen outside of the cave. There are some shadows of things (animals, spectecla, cave dweller…) on the wall via to fire and  they suppose that is reality. One day, one of them go out from the cave and realises the real source of light and shadows. He comes across with the sunlight. After that he returns to cave and he tries to explain outside of cave to prisoners. The prisoners don’t get it because they never go out. Person who is going outside is philosopher. Philosopher gets rid of own chain and try to explorer source of unknown.

  According to Platon, chained people are mass people. Cave sybolised society. Chains are rules like a blocker for mass people. Shadow is dogmatics facts which were excaptable by society. Those prevent the freedom of people. Person who deal with these situations, deserves the meaning of reality.